4th Annual Super Drew Family Extravaganza

Dear Potential Sponsors and Supporters,
Meet Super Drew, our 6.5 year-old little boy, who is full of life, always happy, and is the strongest, most resilient kid you will ever meet. Underneath his contagious smile and gentle demeanor is a child with Pilomyxoid Astrocytoma, an inoperable brain tumor. Drew has been battling this tumor since 9 months old and has been on multiple treatments. The last year has been especially difficult on Drew and our family. Late last year, we were faced with a difficult decision to attempt to operate on Drew’s tumor as he was not managing the fluid in his head. After meeting with surgeons both in Chicago and Boston, we decided to go ahead with surgery in November in Boston. The surgery was a success and our incredible surgeon was able to remove 85 percent of the tumor. However, with a successful surgery, came the ups and downs we were not prepared for. We spent 33 days in Boston fighting for Drew’s life. After 33 days, we were placed on a medical flight to Children’s Hospital in Detroit for another 34 days of inpatient rehabilitation where Drew had to learn to re-walk and talk. After 67 days of when we first entered the hospital, we were reunited together as a family. This joyous moment was quickly dwindled, as a week later we found out that Drew had significant tumor growth. To say we were devastated is an understatement. We immediately were forced with difficult decisions that ultimately led us to restarting Drew’s chemotherapy treatment, which he currently receives daily. Throughout Drew’s ups and downs there is something he is always willing to show us, his bravery, resilience, and contagious smile.
The mission of the Super Drew Foundation is to provide families battling pediatric cancer with services and local experiences that allow families to feel normal in an abnormal situation. In addition, we are able to help local charities provide opportunities for these children. The past year despite the difficulties Drew endured, we were able to provide birthday parties to children, adopt 12 families for the Holiday season, and grant 2 oncology patients’ wish trips. Our goals for the coming year include adopting more families for the holidays, finding more ways to give to these oncology families, and granting more wish trips.
The 4th Annual Super Drew Family Extravaganza will be held September 24, 2023 from 12-4 p.m. at St. Lawrence K of C Park in Shelby Township. It will be a day filled with fun, laughter, entertainment, food and activities for the whole family.
We hope you will consider joining us and partnering with us on this event.
Thank you kindly and God Bless,
Andrew and Melissa Akash